Zach Faulker Signs with MMA Tee Company Ahead of NEF 46 Title Fight
Lancaster, PA / Portland, ME - Zach Faulkner (4-1) is set to fight for the New England Fights amateur welterweight title on February 12th in Portland, Maine.
Faulkner will be taking on Mike Murray (3-2) to find out who the welterweight king of the northeast is.
“Zach is one of the best welterweights of the northeast,” said John Brennan of MMA Tee Company. “We are excited about his title fight.”
“I’m super excited for this fight. I think Mike is a super good and tough opponent and someone that I can showcase every skill I have against,” Faulkner said”
“I can see this fight being a five-round battle. Working with MMA Tee co has been great. They’re very responsive and have great designs. I’m very happy they decided to work with me!”

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